Hilfsorganisation in Afrika

Unterstützen Sie Juciel

Helfen Sie uns dabei, die Lebensumstände in Guinea zu verbessern.

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Aid Organization for Africa

Please support Juciel!

Help us improve the living conditions in Guinea.


Aid Organization for AfricaCooperative Development Work in Guinea

Juciel is an Africa-based non-profit aid organization active in the West African Republic of Guinea. This largely overlooked country is one of the poorest in the world, with many of its regions lacking the most basic things. No running water, insufficient electricity, no education, environmental destruction – these and many additional problems characterize everyday life in most communities. Juciel is committed to finally changing that. We are working hard for a better life in Guinea and look forward to your support!

Our current projects

Who we are

An overview of JucielJuciel is a coalition of Germans and Guineans with the common goal of addressing the country’s catastrophic living conditions. Learn more about us and our work.

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Our current projects

Who we help

Our Aid Project in MassarankissdouClean drinking water - a basic resource that is still unavailable to many people in Guinea. Find out more about our initial project "Water for Massarankissidou."

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How we work

Juciel is 100% transparentJuciel is an independent aid organization that raises funds for Guinea in Africa. We use our financial resources transparently and economically. Learn more about our principles.

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News about our aid organization in Africa

What we achieve

News about our projectsWe report extensively about our activities: In our blog you will learn interesting facts and current news about Juciel, as well as detailed information on the status of our projects.

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Support our projects with your donations!

Juciel’s goal is to tackle humanitarian issues in Guinea. In order to implement current and future projects, we depend on financial support. Your donation is an important part of helping us to successfully continue our work. Together, let’s light the star of hope in the sky!

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